Betty Virginia Holcomb


Betty Virginia Holcomb
September 25, 1945 – October 4, 2020
First Unitarian Church of Chicago

  • Raised in Gary, Indiana, Betty’s journey to Unitarian Universalism began in college at Northern Illinois University, where she experienced diverse spiritual growth after attending a Methodist church different from the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in which she was raised.
  • She officially came to Unitarian Universalism in 1974 to give her children a religious upbringing without “fire and brimstone.”
  • She was a member of two other UU congregations in Columbia, Missouri and Deerfield, Illinois, before making First Unitarian her spiritual home.
  • She served First Unitarian Church of Chicago in a variety of roles including president, program council co-chair and coordinator for coffee hour.
  • Among the long list of causes she supported, Betty will be remembered for her social action efforts for reproductive, gender and racial justice.