Congratulations to the 2024 Mel Hoover Beloved Community Awardees

Janice Marie Johnson and Paula Cole Jones, presented at the Diverse, Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 22nd.


Staying Abreast in a World On Fire

Read about Haiti, Palestine/Israel, and Student Protests in this blog article with a Curated List of Resources.

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Introducing Sister Souurce Facebook Posts

We’re alive and thriving on Facebook. Except you can view it all from right here on our website! We have a wonderful way for our readers to keep up with historical facts and current events. Visit our Sister Souurce Facebook feed page (also under We Are YoUU Blogs menu) for myriad tidbits and deep dives into the global explorations of Sister Souurce.

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Remember to Visit our Ancestars page

We have said farewell most recently to Jacqui C. Williams, Beth Gross and Betty Bobo Seiden. Please read about these remarkable women. Another beloved has joined the Ancestars. We will post about Jacqui James in the near future.

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Welcome from Rev. Dr. Qiyamah A. Rahman

This website was born out of Unitarian Universalist Black women and girls’ needs and desires for a space, sanctified and made holy by our presence and devoted to our existence.

After years of research about Black UU women, mostly historic personalities, we recognized the even greater marginalization of girls and those who identify as womxn, LGBTQIA+ and non-binary. Our intent is to create with this website a more inclusive community. Here, we amplify our voices and our stories. Here, we make room for an inclusive range of folks to more fully identify and claim the richness of our lives as Black UUs with pride and intentionality.

This website exists because we recognize it is time that Black women and girls (womxn, LGBTQIA+ and non-binary inclusive) seize the opportunity to take charge of the narratives about our lives, our identities and to influence the shaping of an inclusive and accurate discourse of who we are while naming the celebratory and challenging moments in our lives as UUs.

This website allows Black UU women and girls (womxn, LGBTQIA+ and non-binary inclusive) a unique space to gather our stories and voices, to explore our presence in UUism, our accomplishments, our sorrows, our wonderings and wanderings. And to know those who came before us, on whose shoulders we stand, so that we might acknowledge those relationships and connections that sustain us.

In these arduous and challenging times, Black UU women and girls deserve a safe space to bring all of our multiple identities together. This is that space!

Invoking all that is sacred and holy we invite you to explore, contribute and participate.

Rev. Dr. Qiyamah A. Rahman

Our Mission

is to act as a catalyst to encourage greater activity around, provide support for, and marshal resources that benefit Black Unitarian Universalist women and girls.

Our Purpose

is to bring about awareness and appreciation of our presence, amplify our voices and narratives, nurture our accomplishments and growth, and bring ourselves into the fullness of our lives.

The Concept

for this website was created by Rev. Dr. Qiyamah A. Rahman and implemented with the support and assistance of many other Unitarian Universalists who are dedicated to bringing awareness and appreciation to our movement and denomination about the presence of Black Unitarian Universalist women and girls. This site is a vehicle for learning. We encourage your participation. Join us as we grow.

Your tax-deductible contributions help our 501(c)3 non-profit organization provide the programs we make happen with passion.