Chicago Black UU Women Gather
Speaking Their Stories: Chicago Black UU Women Gather (Watch the Video)
Rev. Dr. Michelle Bentley served churches in Chicago and many congregants including Black women for years during her 40+ years in the Chicago area. Rev. Dr. Michelle and more than 25 women (including Rev. Michelle’s mother and sister) met often, under the name of African American Unitarian Universalist (AAUU). Along with Rev. Michelle, the women gathered for fellowship and began writing and incorporating Sankofa (different from Sankofa Archives at Meadville Lombard Theological School). AAUU proposed a program designed to help nurture Black girls and women.
Black Unitarian Universalist women gathered in Chicago on November 6, 2009 from surrounding UU congregations: First Unitarian; Second Unitarian; Third Unitarian and All Souls Church to share their stories and reflections. Portions of this gathering were filmed by videographer Kaleema Haidera Al-Nur. You can hear some different perspectives and issues represented across generations, ideologies, and philosophies. You may or may not agree with opinions voiced, yet in the tradition of UUism these women widened the circle of conversation to include diverse opinions in the spirit of sisterhood and unity.
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